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PokeAPI Vignette

Samantha Hunter 10/05/2021

Here we are going to show how to retrieve data from the PokeAPI from six endpoints using functions that I have created. First we’re going to walk through the functions and then we will do a bit of data exploration.

As a general note, while it is possible to query these endpoints using numbers, I do not recommend it. For example, in the Ability endpoint, there are 327 abilities, but you can only query up to ability 267 using the index number. After that, you must use the ability name to get data about that ability. To help with this issue, I have provided a couple lines of code before each function that will result in a list of all available index names that you can query by or you can use the resulting list to query the entire endpoint as I have done in the data exploration.

Required R Packages

# Library for reading data from the API

# Unlisting

# Data Manipulation

*The following packages were used to query the API:

+httr: used to connect to the API via URL +jsonlite: used to decode the information we got from the API into plain text +purr: used to unlist the output from the API +data.table: used to combine the lists into a single dataframe

*The following packages were used for the data exploration:

+tidyverse: used for data manipulation and visualization

Functions to Query PokeAPI


The ability function interacts with the ability endpoint of the PokeAPI. The function returns a tibble with an observation for each pokemon that has the ability and what generation the ability was introduced in.

# Finding a list of all available abilities
avail_ability <- GET("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/ability/?limit=327&offset=0")
avail_ability <- rawToChar(avail_ability$content)
avail_ability <- fromJSON(avail_ability)
avail_ability <- avail_ability[["results"]][["name"]]

ability <- function(name, ...){
  # This function takes the name of the abilities supplied and returns
  # data about the Pokemon that can use this ability, what generation
  # of game the ability originated in
  avail_ability <- lapply(c(name, ...), tolower)

  url_ability <- paste0("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/ability/", avail_ability)
  poke_bility <- lapply(url_ability, GET)
  poke_bility <- lapply(poke_bility, '[[', 'content')
  poke_bility <- lapply(poke_bility, rawToChar)
  poke_bility <- lapply(poke_bility, fromJSON)

  # Unlisting our data from the API so that we can create a tidy data frame
  abilities <- (map(poke_bility, "name"))
  ability_pokemon <- (map(map(map(poke_bility, "pokemon"), "pokemon"), "name"))
  ability_generation <- map(map(poke_bility, "generation"), "name")

  # Creating a list of tibbles
  Pokemon_Ability <- list(rep(0, length(unlist(ability_pokemon))))
    for(a in 1:length(ability_pokemon)){
      Pokemon <- unlist(ability_pokemon[a])
      Ability <- rep(abilities[[a]], length(ability_pokemon[a]))
      Generation <- rep(ability_generation[[a]], length(ability_pokemon[a]))
      Pokemon_Ability[[a]] <- as_tibble(cbind(Pokemon, Ability, Generation))

  # Combining our list of tibbles into one tibble
  Pokemon_Ability <- rbindlist(Pokemon_Ability, fill = TRUE)

Pokemon Type

While there are 20 possible Pokemon types, I’m not interested the information offered in the shadow or unknown Pokemon. The shadow Pokemon only offers moves that are available for that Pokemon type. The unknown Pokemon only have data about the generation of game that this Pokemon type appeared in.

For the other Pokemon types, you can query this either by numbers, 1 through 18, or with the name of the Pokemon type. The resulting tibble will only contain information about the Pokemon and the type it is. Some Pokemon do have more than one type.

# Finding a list of all possible Pokemon types
avail_types <- GET("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/type/?limit=20&offset=0")
avail_types <- rawToChar(avail_types$content)
avail_types <- fromJSON(avail_types)
avail_types <- avail_types[["results"]][["name"]]

type <- function(name, ...){
  # This function takes the Pokemon types and returns all the Pokemon
  # of that type.
  avail_types <- lapply(c(name, ...), tolower)
  url_type <- paste0("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/type/", avail_types)
  poke_type <- lapply(url_type, GET)
  poke_type <-lapply(poke_type, '[[', 'content')
  poke_type <- lapply(poke_type, rawToChar)
  poke_type <- lapply(poke_type, fromJSON)

  # Unlisting our data from the API so that we can create a tidy data frame
  types <- map(poke_type, "name")
  type_pokemon <- map(map(map(poke_type, "pokemon"), "pokemon"), "name")

  # Creating a list of tibbles
  Pokemon_Type <- list(rep(0, length(unlist(types))))
  for(a in 1:length(types)){
    Pokemon <- unlist(type_pokemon[a])
    Type <- rep(types[[a]], length(type_pokemon[a]))
    Pokemon_Type[[a]] <- as_tibble(cbind(Pokemon, Type))

  # Combining our list of tibbles into one tibble
  Pokemon_Type <- rbindlist(Pokemon_Type)


In Pokemon, generations are generally regarded as when a ‘batch’ of new Pokemon species are released and new game mechanics are added to the video games. This function will return a tibble with observations for each Pokemon species that was introduced in that generation.

# Finding a list of all available generations
avail_gen <- GET("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/generation/")
avail_gen <- rawToChar(avail_gen$content)
avail_gen <- fromJSON(avail_gen)
avail_gen <- avail_gen[["results"]][["name"]]

generation <- function(name, ...){
  # This function takes the name of the generations supplied and returns
  # the Pokemon that was first introduced in that generation.
  avail_gen <- lapply(c(name, ...), tolower)
  url_gen <- paste0("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/generation/", avail_gen)
  poke_gen <- lapply(url_gen, GET)
  poke_gen <- lapply(poke_gen, '[[', 'content')
  poke_gen <- lapply(poke_gen, rawToChar)
  poke_gen <- lapply(poke_gen, fromJSON)
  # Unlisting our data from the API so that we can create a tidy data frame
  gen <- map(poke_gen, "name")
  gen_poke <- map(map(poke_gen, "pokemon_species"), "name")
  # Creating a list of tibbles
  Pokemon_Generation <- list(rep(0, length(unlist(gen_poke))))
  for(a in 1:length(gen_poke)){
    Pokemon <- unlist(gen_poke[a])
    Generation <- rep(gen[[a]], length(gen_poke[a]))
    Pokemon_Generation[[a]] <- as.tibble(cbind(Generation, Pokemon))
  # Combining our list of tibbles into one tibble
  Pokemon_Generation <- rbindlist(Pokemon_Generation)


This function queries what type of environment Pokemon can be found. It will return a tibble of the Pokemon that can be found in a habitat.

# Finding a list of all available habitats
avail_habitat <- GET("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-habitat/?limit=20&offset=0")
avail_habitat <- rawToChar(avail_habitat$content)
avail_habitat <- fromJSON(avail_habitat)
avail_habitat <- avail_habitat[["results"]][["name"]]

habitat <- function(name, ...){
  # This function takes the name of the habitat and returns what Pokemon that
  # can be found in that habitat
  avail_habitat <- lapply(c(name, ...), tolower)
  url_habitat <- paste0("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-habitat/", avail_habitat)
  poke_habitat <- lapply(url_habitat, GET)
  poke_habitat <-lapply(poke_habitat, '[[', 'content')
  poke_habitat <- lapply(poke_habitat, rawToChar)
  poke_habitat <- lapply(poke_habitat, fromJSON)

  # Unlisting our data from the API so that we can create a tidy data frame
  habitat <- map(poke_habitat, "name")
  habitat_poke <- map(map(poke_habitat, "pokemon_species"), "name")

  # Creating a list of tibbles
  Pokemon_Habitat <- list(rep(0, length(unlist(habitat_poke))))
  for(a in 1:length(habitat_poke)){
    Pokemon <- unlist(habitat_poke[a])
    Habitat <- rep(habitat[[a]], length(habitat_poke[a]))
    Pokemon_Habitat[[a]] <- as_tibble(cbind(Habitat, Pokemon))

  # Combining our list of tibbles into one tibble
  Pokemon_Habitat <- rbindlist(Pokemon_Habitat)



Berries are in-game items that can heal status effects, restore health points, or have some other effect on Pokemon the berry is fed to. This function will take the name of the berry and return how long it takes the berry to grow on a bush and the maximum number of berries on a bush.

# Finding a list of all available berries
avail_berry <- GET("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/berry?offset=0&limit=200")
avail_berry <- rawToChar(avail_berry$content)
avail_berry <- fromJSON(avail_berry)
avail_berry <- avail_berry[["results"]][["name"]]

berry <- function(name, ...){
  # This function takes the name of the berry and returns data about
  # the germination period of berries and the number of fruit the bush bears
  avail_berry <- lapply(c(name, ...), tolower)
  url_berry <- paste0("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/berry/", avail_berry)
  poke_berry <- lapply(url_berry, GET)
  poke_berry <- lapply(poke_berry, '[[', 'content')
  poke_berry <- lapply(poke_berry, rawToChar)
  poke_berry <- lapply(poke_berry, fromJSON)

  # Unlisting our data from the API so that we can create a tidy data frame
  berries <- unlist(map(poke_berry, "name"))
  growth_time <- unlist(map(poke_berry, "growth_time"))
  max_harvest <- unlist(map(poke_berry, "max_harvest"))

  # Combining tibbles into one tibble
  Pokemon_Berry <- as_tibble(cbind(berries, growth_time, max_harvest))

Pokemon Base Stats

Here we get the base stats of all available Pokemon, as well as what generation the pokemon belongs to. There are six available stats in the Pokemon endpoint - hp, attack, defense, special attack, special defense, and speed.

# Finding a list of all possible Pokemon
avail_pokemon <- GET("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/?limit=1200&offset=0")
avail_pokemon <- rawToChar(avail_pokemon$content)
avail_pokemon <- fromJSON(avail_pokemon)
avail_pokemon <- avail_pokemon[["results"]][["name"]]

poke_stats <- function(name, ...){
  # This function takes the Pokemon names and returns all the Pokemon
  # stats for those species.
  avail_pokemon <- lapply(c(name, ...), tolower)
  url <- paste0("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/", avail_pokemon)
  pokedex <- lapply(X = url, FUN = GET)
  pokedex<-lapply(pokedex, '[[', 'content')
  pokedex <- lapply(pokedex, rawToChar)
  pokedex <- lapply(pokedex, fromJSON)

  # Unlisting our data from the API so that we can create a tidy data frame
  pokemon_stat <- map(pokedex, "name")
  base_stat <- map(map(pokedex, "stats"), "base_stat")

  # Initializing the variables whose values I want
  Pokemon <- rep(0, length(pokemon_stat))
  hp <- rep(0, length(pokemon_stat))
  attack  <- rep(0, length(pokemon_stat))
  defense <- rep(0, length(pokemon_stat))
  sp_attack <- rep(0, length(pokemon_stat))
  sp_defense <- rep(0, length(pokemon_stat))
  speed <- rep(0, length(pokemon_stat))

  # Creating a tibble of the Pokemon and their stats
  for(p in 1:length(pokemon_stat)){
    Pokemon[p] <- pokemon_stat[[p]]
    hp[p] <- as.numeric(base_stat[[p]][1])
    attack[p]  <- base_stat[[p]][2]
    defense[p] <- base_stat[[p]][3]
    sp_attack[p] <- base_stat[[p]][4]
    sp_defense[p] <- base_stat[[p]][5]
    speed[p] <- base_stat[[p]][6]
  Pokemon_Stats <- as_tibble(cbind(Pokemon, hp, attack, defense, sp_attack, sp_defense, speed))

# The stats are printed as character values so we just want to change these to numeric
  for(s in 2:7){
      Pokemon_Stats[[s]] <- as.numeric(Pokemon_Stats[[s]])


Exploratory Data Analysis

Generating Data Sets

I only want to analyze the first 898 Pokemon. The PokeAPI is structured so that the first 898 Pokemon are the strictly unique species, while the rest are types of the species that may have a different regional form or are evolved in a special way that grants them special base stats. I only wanted to analyze the base stats from ‘normal’ wild Pokemon. Because I want to see if there is a power creep as the Pokemon world was built, and not as the player can manipulate their caught Pokemon. I will also do some general exploration of the Pokemon attributes.

# Creating Data Frames
Pokemon_Habitat <- habitat(avail_habitat)
Pokemon_Stats <- poke_stats(avail_pokemon)
Pokemon_Ability <- ability(avail_ability)
Pokemon_Generation <- generation(avail_gen)

# Only querying the first 898 unique pokemon
Pokemon_Stats <- Pokemon_Stats[1:898, ]

# There are no Pokemon unknown or shadow types, so we only need to
# query the first 18 types
Pokemon_Types <- type(1:18)

# Creating a new variable that is the sum of the other statistics
Pokemon_Stats <- Pokemon_Stats %>% mutate(total_stats = hp + attack + defense +
                    sp_attack + sp_defense + speed)

# Here I merging
Pokemon_Stats <- merge(Pokemon_Stats, Pokemon_Generation, by = "Pokemon")

Pokemon_Type1 <- filter(Pokemon_Types, duplicated(Pokemon_Types$Pokemon) == FALSE)
Pokemon_Type2 <- filter(Pokemon_Types, duplicated(Pokemon_Types$Pokemon) == TRUE)

Pokemon_Type1 <- rename(Pokemon_Type1, Type1 = Type)
Pokemon_Type2 <- rename(Pokemon_Type2, Type2 = Type)

# I just want a left join because both Pokemon Types data sets 
# contains the "mega" Pokemon
Pokemon_Type_Stats <- merge(Pokemon_Stats, Pokemon_Type1,
                            by = "Pokemon", all.x = TRUE)
Pokemon_Type_Stats <- merge(Pokemon_Type_Stats, Pokemon_Type2,
                            by = "Pokemon", all.x = TRUE)

# I want to make a table of types, but I don't want to have NA's in
# Type2 because those Pokemon will be excluded so I'm filling in Type1's
# value for Type2 if Type2 is blank. 
Pokemon_Type_Stats <- Pokemon_Type_Stats %>% mutate(
  Type2 = if_else(is.na(Type2) == TRUE, Type1, Type2))

# Using the Quantile Stats, we're also going to make a categorical 
# variable based on the Pokemon's total stats
##    0%   25%   50%   75%  100% 
## 180.0 320.0 430.5 500.0 720.0
# Here the categories split the total_stats into four groups, based on the 
# data quantiles. 
Pokemon_Type_Stats <- Pokemon_Type_Stats %>% mutate(
  TypeCat = if_else(total_stats <= 320, "poor", 
                if_else(total_stats <= 430.5, "fair", 
                    if_else(total_stats <= 500, "good", "great"))), 
  TypeCat = factor(TypeCat, levels = c("poor", "fair", "good", "great")),)

Pokemon Attribute Exploration

Here we’re just getting a feel for the data set and viewing how the Pokemon games may have changed over the course of generations.

# Here I'm doing a full join of the Pokemon_Habitat and Pokemon_Generation
# data sets by Pokemon. 
Habitat_Gen <- merge(Pokemon_Habitat, Pokemon_Generation, by = "Pokemon")

# Here is a table of the Pokemon that would be found in each combination
# of generation and habitat
table(Habitat_Gen$Habitat, Habitat_Gen$Generation)
##                 generation-i generation-ii generation-iii
##   cave                     8             7             14
##   forest                  21            21             29
##   grassland               35            25             20
##   mountain                18            12             15
##   rare                     5             3              2
##   rough-terrain            8             5             14
##   sea                     15             8             17
##   urban                   22            10              5
##   waters-edge             19             9             19

I thought it was surprising that habitats were only provided up to Generation III of the games. According to Bulbagarden and Bulbapedia, the habitat classifications are only a feature in FireRed and LeafGreen, which are reboots of the 1996 Red and Green games. This explains why there are no observations included in our contingency table after Generation III. The Pokemon video games are generally compatible with previous generations of Pokemon so Generation III games include both Generation I and Generation II.

Pokemon_Type_Plot <- ggplot(data = Pokemon_Types, aes(x = Type)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = Type)) +
  labs(title = "Prevalent Pokemon Types", x = "Pokemon Habitats",
     y = "Pokemon Counts") +

addmargins(table(Pokemon_Type_Stats$Type1, Pokemon_Type_Stats$Type2))
##            bug dark dragon electric fairy fighting fire flying ghost grass ground ice normal poison psychic rock steel
##   bug       19    0      0        4     2        0    4      0     1     5      0   2      0      0       2    0     5
##   dark       0   11      0        0     3        0    0      0     0     0      0   0      0      0       0    0     0
##   dragon     0    4     13        0     0        0    0      0     0     0      0   0      0      0       0    0     0
##   electric   0    1      2       32     2        0    0      0     0     0      0   1      0      0       0    0     0
##   fairy      0    0      0        0    18        0    0      0     0     0      0   0      0      0       0    0     0
##   fighting   3    3      2        0     0       27    6      1     1     3      0   1      0      2       3    1     2
##   fire       0    3      2        0     0        0   32      0     0     0      0   0      0      0       2    0     0
##   flying    13    5      6        2     2        0    5      2     2     6      2   2      0      3       6    3     3
##   ghost      0    2      3        1     0        0    4      0    13     4      0   1      0      0       2    0     2
##   grass      0    4      3        0     5        0    0      0     0    42      0   2      0      0       4    0     0
##   ground     1    3      6        1     0        0    2      0     5     1     17   3      0      0       2    9     2
##   ice        0    2      1        0     0        0    0      0     0     0      0  13      0      0       0    0     0
##   normal     0    1      1        2     4        2    2     26     0     2      1   0     69      0       2    0     0
##   poison    12    3      3        1     0        0    2      0     3    14      2   0      0     16       0    1     0
##   psychic    0    2      2        0     7        0    0      0     0     0      0   3      0      0      35    0     0
##   rock       5    1      2        0     2        0    3      0     0     2      0   2      0      0       2   12     7
##   steel      0    2      2        4     3        0    1      0     0     3      0   0      0      0       7    0     9
##   water      0    4      3        2     4        0    0      0     0     3      0   7      0      0       5    0     0
##   Sum       53   51     51       49    52       29   61     29    25    85     22  37     69     21      72   26    30
##            water Sum
##   bug          5  49
##   dark         0  14
##   dragon       0  17
##   electric     0  38
##   fairy        0  18
##   fighting     1  56
##   fire         1  40
##   flying       8  70
##   ghost        2  34
##   grass        0  60
##   ground       9  61
##   ice          0  16
##   normal       1 113
##   poison       6  63
##   psychic      0  49
##   rock        11  49
##   steel        1  32
##   water       65  93
##   Sum        110 872

Here we can see what types of Pokemon are most and least prevalent. Something to note is that while most of the Pokemon only take on one Pokemon type (eg Water-Water or Electric-Electric types), there are some types that clearly are very compatible, like Flying and Bug type pokemon or Steel and Psychic type Pokemon. There are some unexpected results, like Ice-Water combination Pokemon do not seem to be a thing despite ice being made of water and water being the most prevalent Pokemon type.

Exploring Generations

Is there a power creep between generations of pokemon?
Pokemon_Gen_Plot <- ggplot(data = Pokemon_Generation, aes(x = Generation)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = Generation)) +
  labs(title = "Number of Pokemon Per Generation", x = "First Gen Appearance",
       y = "Pokemon Counts of Unique Species") +

So we can see that the Generations with the most Pokemon cohorts is Generation I and Generation V, both which have about 150 Pokemon added for each game. Generation VI is the smallest group of new Pokemon, only adding about 75 more. We should expect that there should be proportional representation of generally strong and generally weak Pokemon in each group. That means we should expect about twice as many strong and weak Pokemon in Generations I and V than in Generation VI, and all the other Generations should fall somewhere between them.

Pokemon_Gen_Plot <- ggplot(data = Pokemon_Type_Stats, aes(x = TypeCat)) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = TypeCat)) +
  labs(title = "Pokemon Base Stat Categories", x = "First Gen Appearance",
       y = "Pokemon Species Counts", fill = "Cumulative Base Stats") +
  facet_wrap(vars(Generation)) +

table(Pokemon_Type_Stats$Generation, Pokemon_Type_Stats$TypeCat)
##                   poor fair good great
##   generation-i      40   41   44    26
##   generation-ii     26   31   24    19
##   generation-iii    41   35   38    20
##   generation-iv     20   24   23    37
##   generation-v      39   37   43    30
##   generation-vi     16   17   17    18
##   generation-vii    20   14   19    30
##   generation-viii   24   11   22    26

While there clearly isn’t the same proportion of poor, fair, good, and great Pokemon added to each generations, it does not seem that there is any pattern between the Pokemon’s total base stats and in what generation they were added. Generation I, II, Generation III do seem to lack great Pokemon, but so does Generation V. The later generations have more “great” Pokemon than other categories of Pokemon with “poor”, “fair”, and “good” base stats, but they don’t actually seem to have more “great” Pokemon than the other generations. All of the Generations have somewhere between 18 and 37 “great” Pokemon. Because these a categorical variables as well, there is no quantify how much better Generation IV Pokemon are than say Generation II. In other words, Generation IV could have most of their great Pokemon, just barely in the upper quantile of the total_stats group.

# Creating a function to return the first quantile of a column
quant1 <- function(col){
  quant <- quantile(col)

# Creating a function to return the third quantile of a column
quant3 <- function(col){
  quant <- quantile(col)

# Creating the 5 basic summary stats - min, quantile 1, mean, 
# quantile 3, and max - for the Pokemon Types 
Summary_total_stats <- Pokemon_Type_Stats %>% group_by(Generation) %>%
  summarise(min_total_stats = min(total_stats),
            q1_total_stats = round(quant1(total_stats)),
            avg_total_stats = round(mean(total_stats)), 
            q3_total_stats = round(quant3(total_stats)),
            max_total_stats = max(total_stats))
## # A tibble: 8 x 6
##   Generation      min_total_stats q1_total_stats avg_total_stats q3_total_stats max_total_stats
##   <chr>                     <dbl>          <dbl>           <dbl>          <dbl>           <dbl>
## 1 generation-i                195            320             408            490             680
## 2 generation-ii               180            320             407            492             680
## 3 generation-iii              190            303             402            475             680
## 4 generation-iv               194            333             442            525             720
## 5 generation-v                255            319             420            495             680
## 6 generation-vi               200            329             428            509             680
## 7 generation-vii              200            339             452            570             680
## 8 generation-viii             180            310             423            506             690

Here we have the spread of the data of the total_stats for each generation of game. I do think that the max of Generation IV is surprisingly high at 720, while all the other maximum total_stats for each generation is either 680 or 690. Generation IV also has the strongest “weakest” Pokemon. The lowest total_stat for Generation IV is 255, while the next closes two are 200. The absolute lowest total_stat score comes from Generation VIII, taking on a value of 180. All the averages of the total_stats hang around 400 to 450, with the highest total_stats coming from Generation VII and Generation IV, at 452 and 442, respectively. Clearly, Generation IV has some of the strongest Pokemon, based on total_stats. This does not support the idea that Pokemon have gotten progressively stronger as the franchise has continued making games.

Stat_Boxplot <- ggplot(data = Pokemon_Stats) +
  geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(x = total_stats, y = Generation, color = Generation)) +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(title = "Pokemon Base Stat Box Plots", x = "First Gen Appearance",
       y = "Pokemon Species Counts") +

This box plot graphically mostly shows what the previous table represented numerically, but here we have the median instead of the mean. I do think it is again clear that Generation IV may have the “best” group of Pokemon based on total stats. Generations IV’s median is equal to most of the other generations third quartiles. Generation VII and Generation VIII also have a slightly higher median than the other generations, but they do not exceed the third quartiles of the other generations. I think it is worth pointing out that Generation I, II, III, V, and VI all have nearly the same median. Generation V also have a very short lower quantile tail indicating that it’s probably has fewer “poor” Pokemon than it would have if the distributions of total stats were proportional.

Stat_Hist <- ggplot(data = Pokemon_Stats)+
  geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = total_stats)) +
  labs(title = "Histogram of Base Stat", x = "Total Stat Value",
       y = "Count of Pokemon") +
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

Looking at these histograms, we can most clearly see that there is little pattern between total base stats and the Generation of Pokemon. I do think it’s interesting that the total stats for each generation does seem to be bimodal or multimodal instead of a normal or uniform distribution. In each game there does seem to be a cohort of a few particularly strong Pokemon that are probably the legendary Pokemon of each generation. There also seems to be a cohort of weak Pokemon of each generation. In later generations, these would probably be considered the ‘baby’ evolutions of Pokemon that you can hatch from eggs.

I don’t think we can definitively say that the base stats overall increased with each generation, but if I did have to choose a “great” or strong Pokemon, I would pick from Generation IV. It seems to have the highest instance of “great” Pokemon compared to the rest of the generations. We didn’t find any definitive evidence that the total base stats between Pokemon of different generations were different, but I thought I may look to see if there was a relationship between the three main base stats - HP, attack, and defense. I think it would make sense that attack and defense may be inversely related since they’re opposites of each other in a video game. The special attack and special defense is based on the Pokemon type so like a fire-type Pokemon with a high special attack value may be able to more easily kill an ice-type Pokemon than another fire-type Pokemon with low special attack. Special defense works much in the same way, but decides how strong the Pokemon is against the Pokemon types that they receive partial damage from. I’ve excluded those stats because they so heavily rely on Pokemon types that there isn’t an easy way to quantify their value - it would take much more than just a simple numeric scatterplot to explore that. I also excluded the Speed stat which decides which Pokemon has the first move in battle, as well as has some effect on Pokemon in-game contests.

HP_Defense <- ggplot(data = Pokemon_Stats, aes(x = hp, y = defense)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = Generation)) +
  labs(title = "Base HP vs Base Defense Stats", x = "HP", y = "Defense")

HP_Attack <- ggplot(data = Pokemon_Stats, aes(x = hp, y = attack)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = Generation)) +
  labs(title = "Base HP vs Base Attack Stats", x = "HP", y = "Defense")

Defense_Attack <- ggplot(data = Pokemon_Stats, aes(x = defense, y = attack)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = Generation)) +
  labs(title = "Base Defense vs Base Attack Stats", x = "HP", y = "Defense")

All three of these scatterplots show a vague positive correlations between the HP, attack, and defense stats, which I find surprisingly. At the very least, I thought there would be an inverse relationship between attack and defense, but that plot shows a stronger correlation than that of defense and HP. The strongest positive linear relationship is between attack and HP. There also is a clear trumpeting pattern in each of these plots, with the most severe occurring between attack and defense. I might argue that those ultra-high defense stats are inversely related to those Pokemon with ultra-high HP, but most of the points fall in the mid-HP has a mid-Defense stat. I definitely don’t think any of the plots show a significant difference between the generations and the pattern of the scatterplots. This could be due to the number of points that we have plotted on each graph, 898. The number of points may obscure any patterns that may be visible between the scatterplots. Unfortunately, ggplot2’s shape attribute only will count up to six unique values, so I could not make each generation a separate shape.