
This repo is for Samantha Hunter and Evan Patton to house all information for Project 2 for ST-558. The topic for this project is, to predict the amount of shares on social media that a news article gets. We judged the models using root mean square error.

The following are the links to the projects completed work and outputs:

The packages used to complete this project are:

Render Code:


output_file <- paste0(subj_topics, "_report") params <- lapply(subj_topics, FUN = function(x){list(topics = x)}) reports <- tibble(output_file, params)

apply(reports, MARGIN = 1, ` FUN = function(x) { render(input = “C:/Users/jolop/OneDrive/Desktop/Fall21/ST558/558_Project2/report_generator.Rmd”, output_file = x[[1]],`

` params = x[[2]]) })`